Six Things To Love About an Autumn Walk 🐶🧣🧤

Fido on his lead? Check. 🐶

Hat, gloves and scarf? Double check. 🧥🧣🧤

Little one in tow, wrapped up in all of the above? Triple check. 👧👦🏾

You’re ready. We’re ready. Let’s take an autumn walk (here’s our little list of everything there is to love about 20 minutes in the bright and bold autumn outdoors).


1. Getting wrapped up in layers and layers of cosiness 😊

The summer’s great and all, but there’s something special about feeling warm and cosy in a chunky knit sweater and woolly hat (despite the falling autumnal temperatures!).



2. Kicking up those crisp autumn leaves 🍁

If splishing and sploshing in a paddling pool are the sounds of the summer, then for autumn it *has* to be the sound of crunchy autumn leaves underfoot.

Kick them up in the air, roll around in them, shower the kids (and the dog) in a confetti of nature!


3. Spotting ALL the autumn colours 🧡❤️💛

Author Jim Bishop once wrote that “Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons” and we agree! And alongside gold, are bright reds, bold yellows and rusty tones of orange.

How many colours can you and your little one spot while out wandering? Better yet, how many can you collect?


4. Revisiting outdoor spaces you last saw in the height of the summer heat 🌞

Why not start a scrapbook of local beauty spots through the season, taking pictures of the nature around you as it transforms from summer to autumn, autumn to winter, winter to spring?



5. Noticing just how much changes during this season 🐿️

While out and about, see if you can spot:

  • Leaves falling to the ground.
  • Tree seeds scattered across the floor – hazelnuts, acorns, beechnuts and conkers.
  • Fungi – which is becoming more noticeable as the trees lose their leaves – check oak and birch trees (but be sure to only look, not touch as some fungi can be poisonous).
  • Feathers here and there (some birds moult at this time of year in order to grow new, strong feathers – ready for winter)



6. Wrapping up in a fleece blanket and sipping on a cup of coco when you get home ☕

An autumn walk is always rewarding. But getting home and warming back up? There’s nothing quite like it. And once those hands are toasty again, why not take on this 20-minute Leaf Monster craft with all those lovely leaves you’ve collected?

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